Join Team Midnight Blue!

If you have any questions about the team or want to join Midnight Blue, this is the place to do so (^ω^)

This site presents you a BBS (Bulletin Board) with two threads:
The "Question" thread and the "Join request" thread.
Since at times it may happen that there is no manager online ingame to respond to your
question or handle your request instantly, you can easily do so here.
You can also contact us directly ingame for both, questions and requests.

In order to contact us in Phantasy Star Online 2, either look us up on the team listings,
or contact one of the following persons by whispering:
Kenjutsu, Kumanda Ordo, Little*Snow, Sanji Babs, レンエトナ.
(To whisper us, look up any of the names above via "Arks Search" and searching by "Player ID" in the "Player Search" suboption)

The following members can also be contacted via Skype™:
Kenjutsu (kenjutsuwtf)


A few informations and a little introduction to our team.
If you're already familiar with it or are not interested and want to join right away,
click here or scroll down

General Information
Founding Date 6th January 2014
Founder Mitsuki Dawn
Style Relaxed/Enjoying
Team Master Kenjutsu
Managers 4
Members 98
Ship Ship 7: ギョーフ

Photon Tree
Attack Boost Lv. 7 (18% Up)
Defense Boost Lv. 4 (12% Up)
EXP Boost Lv. 7 (9% Up)
Meseta Boost Lv. 6 (24% up)
Rare Drop Boost Lv. 1 (3% Up)
Photon Occurance Lv. 8 (40% Up)
Photon Duration Lv. 8 (12 hours)

Additional Information
A vast amount of team members
are from America, however the
timezones can still vary.
3 of 5 team pictures were
taken in the teamroom.
We are allied with "Lunar Symphony"
and "Burning Rangers".
It is rumored that one of our
members is "dabes", however no
details are known up to
the present day.
As far as known, we have and
have had members from every
continent, with the exception of
africa and antarctica.
If you want to communicate with
a manager, the following additional
languages might be supported:
According to local rumors,
Midnight Blue is home to a
strange, secret group called
the "Horse Punch Rangers".
Even though we are a very relaxed
team, we have some basic rules,
in order to keep it a nice and
comfortable place for everyone.
You can view them here:
Midnight Blue is an international team focused on creating a
friendly, relaxing and helpful environment for everyone to
have fun and joy in. The priorities in Midnight Blue are on
helping new players and having fun together.
There are hardly any requirements to join the team, the only
"requirement" which would be more in your own interest, is
very basic english skills as our main communication
language is english. It's not a requirement though, you can
join even if you don't speak english, but basic skill might
make things easier for you.
It should be noted that Midnight Blue is not a very
competitive nor elitist team, so people seeking for these
kind of teams might not find satisfaction in Midnight Blue.
Nevertheless, we welcome everyone to join and see how we are.

There are never any ties or obligations when it
comes to joining, as we know that you are here, spending
your free-time on the game to have joy, instead of having
more stress due to team pressure.
This equally applies to leaving the team.
There won't be any grudges or any stress if you decide that
Midnight Blue isn't exactly your kind of team.
What might happen is that we ask you for the reason,
but this is mainly to improve on things,
if there is a specific reason for leaving, which we can
improve on to make the team more enjoyable for everyone.

In the past, we have had several team events such as team
pictures, a full 12-man team up on quests as a multiparty
as well as other smaller events in which we just had fun

The activity in Midnight Blue has changed over the time.
From the beginning, when we started with just two people,
the population increased relatively quick after a wacky
start initially. During the growing time, there were days
when we had up to 20 people (always depending on the
timezone) online.
However, after the DDOS attack we lost a lot of activity...
Of our, at that time about 45 members, only a very few
came back shortly after, because in addition to the long
server downtime which lasted for multiple weeks, after the
DDOS attack, there happened to be ISP-blocks, meaning that
for most countries, trying to connect would seem like the
server was still down. With the ISP-blocks lasting multiple
months, many members most likely thought they could not
access PSO2 from outside japan anymore.
Still, with the few members that made it back, through using
VPNs for the time, we managed to continue growing up and
making the most of our time in PSO2. A few more members
came back, when the ISP-blocks were lifted.
Right now, our activity is relatively low and really
dependent on the time. It can't be compared to the
time before the DDOS incident.
You might not find great activity at the moment,
but remember, your activity may increase it.

As for TOs (Team (Client) Orders), in Midnight Blue,
clearing TOs is up to you. We will never force anyone
to do them, but doing them will not only benefit you,
but the whole team! We generally prefer teaming up for
the TOs too to have even more fun doing them.

That's pretty much everything for a "little" introduction
to Midnight Blue. If you want to know anything else, feel
free to contact us ingame or reply to the

We hope to see you soon (^ω^)/


Make sure you read the instructions on how to properly post and the rules first, to make sure your request can be processed as fast as possible.

Join Request Thread - Kenjutsu
2015/06/05 (Fri) 00:33:44
Do you want to join Team Midnight Blue?
If so, you can post your join request into this thread, we will make sure
we check for new requests regularly so your request can be handled as fast as possible.

It's very important that you read the instructions on how to properly post a join request here, because this will make it possible for us to process it as fast. You can find the instructions by clicking the "instructions" link above or simply by clicking the usage tab at the top of the page.

We're happy to see you ingame (^ω^)/

Re: Join Request Thread - whytho
2018/11/05 (Mon) 03:18:34
account name:whytho chracter name:Kaisentetsu ㋯
Questions Thread - Kenjutsu
2015/06/05 (Fri) 00:21:44
Do you have any additional question about Team Midnight Blue?
Feel free to post them right in this thread!

We will regularly check it and try out best to answer you any question you may have about us.

Please make sure you read through the information on the "usage" tab first or click on the "instructions" link above, to make sure your post can be successfully processed.


Phantasy Star Online 2 ©SEGA
This BBS was created for Team Midnight Blue [Ship 7].
Copyright © 剣術作者 All Rights Reserved.